ANR project
Combinatorics of maps,
meanders and multicurves,
and its interactions
CartesEtPlus (French for MapsAndMore) is a
5-year project funded by the French Agence Nationale de la recherche, project
number ANR-23-CE48-0018,
call AAPG 2023. It is centered in combinatorics
but has many interactions, in
particular with probability, algebra, or mathematical physics.
The main objective of the project is to structure the effervescence
that took place in recent years around the combinatorics of
two-dimensional topological objects, and in particular maps
and related objects such as meanders or multicurves. Even
if these themes are well established, new
directions are emerging at the boundaries of the subject.
Several new questions at the interface with fundamental physics and
geometry have not yet been studied in detail according to the
combinatorial approach, even though they bring new insights, and
raise profound challenges.
The project will seek out a greater
unification of these emerging themes, in order to bring out new
directions, share new tools between the different fields
addressed, and solve important problems by combining these viewpoints
and approaches.
Kick-off meeting at the University of Bordeaux
Our first meeting will take place in LaBRI (CNRS and University of Bordeaux), from June 4 to June 5. It will be dedicated to open problems presented by the researchers involved in the project. The goal is to create a dynamics between the experts of the various themes emerging in the project. We will ask our members to present problems from their field that they think will benefit from the expertise of our other project members. After the presentations of those open problems, we propose that our members form groups to approach them and turn them into some concrete projects in the fields of map combinatorics, analytic combinatorics, geometry and probability.
List of project members by site :
Site IRIF – Center Paris
manager: Guillaume Chapuy
- Marie Albenque (IRIF)
Jérémie Bouttier (IMJ-PRG)
- Guillaume Chapuy (IRIF)
Enrica Duchi (IRIF)
- Elba Garcia-Failde (IMJ-PRG)
LIGM - Paris East/South
manager: Valentin Bonzom
Valentin Bonzom (LIGM)
Bettinelli (LIX)
Linxiao Chen (LAGA)
Wenjie Fang
Éric Fusy (LIGM)
Emmanuel Guitter (IPhT)
Schaeffer (LIX)
Site Bordeaux
manager: Mireille Bousquet-Mélou
Mireille Bousquet-Mélou
Vincent Delecroix (LaBRI)
Andrew Elvey-Price
Élise Goujard (IMB)
Baptiste Louf
Jean-François Marckert (LaBRI)
The project
CartesEtPlus is funded by the ANR (Agence
Nationale de la Recherche), grant number
ANR-23-CE48-0018). Project coordinator: Guillaume Chapuy.