Formal Verification -- M1 ENS Saclay (2024--2025)
- Introduction to the formal verification.
- Formal models to represent the behaviour of reactive systems.
- Temporal logics for the specification avec verification
- Linear Time Temporal Logic (LTL): definitions, examples, expressivity,
decision procedures.
- Computation Tree Logic (CTL): definitions, examples, expressivity,
decision procedures.
- Extensions of LTL/CTL
Contents of the lectures
- 1st lecture (20/09) : Introduction to the formal verification;
Definition of Kripke structures; LTL (syntax, semantics, example).
- 2nd lecture (27/09) : Expressivity of LTL fragments (notions of
equivalence, Separation
Theorem; Comparison of L(U,X,S,X-1) and L(U,X), L(U,X) and L(F,X),
L(U,X) and L(U), L(F,X) and L(X).
- 3rd Lecture (4/10) : Introduction to Büchi automata. Construction of the automaton which recognizes
the models of a given L(X,U) formula.
- 4th Lecture: correctness of the automata construction;
complexity of verification problems for LTL; introduction to CTL.
- 5th Lecture: CTLM model-checking algorithm;
CTL and strong bisimulation.
Slides of the 1st lecture: here.
- An emergency kit for LTL: here.
- An emergency kit for CTL: here.
- Notes about S1S: here.
Email: francoisl[at]