Irène Guessarian
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Research Interests
Some Publications
A. Arnold, P. Cegielski, I. Guessarian, Affine Completeness of Some Free Binary Algebras, Fundamenta Informaticae Vol 186 (1-4) (2022), 27-44, available at
A. Arnold, P. Cegielski, S. Grigorieff, I. Guessarian, The algebra of binary trees is affine complete, DMTCS Vol 23.2 (1) (2021).
A. Arnold, P. Cegielski, S. Grigorieff, I. Guessarian, The algebra of complete binary trees is affine complete, Algebra Univers. Vol 81, 55 (2020),
P. Cegielski, S. Grigorieff, I. Guessarian, Congruence preserving functions on free monoids, Algebra Universalis, Vol. 78 No 3 (2017), 389-403, Preliminary version, DOI 10.1007/s00012-017-0464-x.
P. Cegielski, S. Grigorieff, I. Guessarian Characterizing congruence preserving functions Z/nZ --> Z/mZ via rational polynomials, Integers, Vol. 16 (2016), Paper A50.
P. Cegielski, S. Grigorieff, I. Guessarian Newton representation of functions over natural integers having integral difference ratios, Int. Jour. of Number Theory, Vol. 11 No 7 (2015), 2109-2139.
P. Cegielski, S. Grigorieff, I. Guessarian, Arithmetical Congruence Preservation: From Finite to Infinite, LNCS 9300, 2015, 210-225, Preliminary version
P. Cegielski, S. Grigorieff, I. Guessarian, Integral Difference Ratio Functions on Integers, LNCS 8808, 2014, 277-291, Survey version including results on regular sets, Complete proof version.
P. Cegielski, S. Grigorieff, I. Guessarian, On Lattices of Regular Sets of Natural Integers Closed under Decrementation, Information Processing Letters (2013), Preliminary version
I. Guessarian, P. Cegielski, Normal form of Some extended Abstract State Machines, LNCS 6300 (2010), 165-180.
I. Guessarian, P. Cegielski, Y. Matiyasevich, Tree Inclusion Problems, Zapiski Nauchnyh Seminarov POMI, 358 (2008), 38-53.
I. Guessarian, E. Foustoucos, Inf-Datalog, Modal logic and Complexities , RAIRO 43 (2009), 1-21.
I. Guessarian, P. Cegielski, Y. Lifshits, Y. Matiyasevich, Window subsequence problems for compressed texts, CSR'06, LNCS 3967 (2006), 127-136.
I. Guessarian, P. Cegielski, Y. Matiyasevich, Experimental results for Multiple serial episodes matching .
I. Guessarian, P. Cegielski, Y. Matiyasevich, Multiple serial episodes matching , IPL 98(6), 2006, 211-218.
I. Guessarian, E. Foustoucos, Complexity of Monadic inf-Datalog. Application to temporal logic, Report LIAFA 2003-017, Full version of the paper in 4th Panhellenic Logic Symposium, 2003, 95-99.
I. Guessarian, E. Foustoucos, T. Andonikos, F. Afrati, Datalog versus temporal logics , TCS 303, 2003, 103-133.
I. Guessarian, Les points fixes en Informatique, Pour la Science, Février 2003, 70-71, version pdf.
I. Guessarian, L. Boasson, P. Cegielski, Y. Matiyasevich, Window-Accumulated Subsequence matching Problem is linear, PODS'99 Proceedings, 1999, 327-336.
I. Guessarian, J.E. Pin, Linearizing some recursive logic programs, IEEE Trans. on Knowledge and data engineering, 1995, 137-149.
I. Guessarian, M. Veloso, About Boundedness for some DATALOG and DATALOGneg programs, Journal of Logic and Computation, 4, 1994, 375-403.
I. Guessarian, N. Bensaou, Transforming constraint logic programs, TCS 206,1998, 81-125.
I. Guessarian, J. Gruska, Fixpoint semantics of synchronous systems and correctness of their basic transformations, Journal of Automata, Languages and combinatorics 2 (1997), 93-133.
I. Guessarian, J.-E. Pin, Linearizing some recursive logic programs, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 7 (1995), 137--149. Abstract, PostScript gzipped file, PDF file
I. Guessarian, F. Afrati, M. de Rougemont, The expressiveness of DAC, TCS 286 (2002), 3-32.
Teaching (in French) Enseignement
I am a member of IRIF
Université Paris7.
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